If you are looking for a free online calculator that is easy to use, then you should consider OpalCALc. It is a great online calculator, but one that can also be used on your Windows PC. It was created by the creators of the other popular online calculator, Quicken. The fact that it is free means that you have the opportunity to try out the program before you buy it. Although there are many great online calculator applications, the creators of this application say that they have spent a lot of time on making sure it is as useful as possible.
OpalCALc has an extremely simple dual pane interface: on the top pane you can input what you want to compute, and then the results will show on the bottom pane. Type in 2+4, press Enter, and you get 4. This is a good basic example of what you can expect with any type of online calculator. One thing that sets OpalCALc apart from other similar programs is that it is designed to be cross platform compatible. It was designed to run on Windows and Mac computers. You can even run it from your browser. It does require that you have the internet connection enabled while using it, however.
Since it is designed to run on both Mac and Windows computers, it can be expected that it will offer a lot more features than its predecessors. One of these features is the ability to import your existing formulas and data from other programs. This feature is a very useful one that is really nice to have on any type of online calculator. You can also import your own data, if you feel like it, or use a pre-made list of data. The program also has a "pop up" menu which allows you to enter numbers and formulas, making it easy to input numbers. If you do not wish to enter any data, then OpalCALc offers a pop up option which will allow you to browse through all the options that are available to you.